What makes this destination so special? Let’s check out some interesting facts about Goodyear, Arizona!
Goodyear was ranked by 24/7 Wall St. as one of America's Top 10 Best Cities to Live.
The U.S. Census Bureau ranked Goodyear among the fastest-growing cities in the country.
Movoto recently ranked Goodyear in its top 10 for "Best Places Near Phoenix for Young Professionals" and "Best Phoenix Suburbs for Young Couples".
In the 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey, 85% of residents rated Goodyear as an excellent or good place to live. Nine out of ten residents would recommend living there, and eight out of ten plan to remain in Goodyear.
Goodyear is a thriving hub of jobs and economic growth, powered by diverse industries such as technology, manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics. Top few employers, including Amazon, UPS, Chewy, and Macy’s, collectively contribute over 13,788 jobs to the city, offering abundant career opportunities for our students.
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