Problem-solving lies at the heart of Computer Science, making this one of the most exciting and forward-thinking courses you can study.
Computer science underpins almost all the science and technology we rely on in the modern world, responsible for some of the most powerful problem-solving strategies known to mankind – the Internet, smart devices, artificial intelligence, robots and much, much more.

If you are interested in how computers work and are designed, this course enables you to progress from your undergraduate degree straight to a master’s level qualification ready to enter the IT profession on graduation.
With a focus on practical applications in industry, commerce, research and everyday life, students will study a combination of theory and practice in traditional areas of computer science, including programming and algorithms, computer architecture, networking, system design and implementation. We will also examine some of the new and exciting areas of development in this ever-changing field, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science techniques, mobile app development and cryptography in software security.
Contact us today for more information to apply for this course
Phone: +2349065825102