RENEWABLE ENERGY MARINE STRUCTURES CENTRE FOR DOCTORAL TRAINING (REMS CDT) REMS is an EPSRC funded centre aiming to train Engineering Doctorate (EngD) and PhD students, admitting ten new students each year. This is a collaborative partnership between Cranfield University and the University of Oxford
Proposed Research projects should come under the following key areas of research:
• Structural Design & Integrity
• Manufacturing
• Geotechnics
The REMS Centre will have significant and long lasting impact in four core areas (Society, Economy, Knowledge and People) through various innovative and novel activities, maximising the benefit offered from the research, training and outreach activities. The REMS Centre will build on existing best practice and impact activities undertaken at the partner institutes.
Eligibility: EU, Rest of the World
How to apply
At a glance
• Application deadline Ongoing
• Award type(s)EngD, PhD
• Start date As soon as possible
• Duration of award4 years
• Reference number CRAN1168
For further information please visit REMS webpage.
If you are eligible to apply for this research studentship, please contact Jokings Educare Ltd
Email: scholarship@jokingseducare.com
Tel: +23412955370